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steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=657299227 hey guys is that prop climb/surf
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It's not if you are not using the prop to go somewhere there or something like this.It's allowed if its like for radio manager etc.But its not allowed there since there is a rule against having props in spawn sidewalk.
Last Edit: 8 years 11 months ago by Holly Banker.
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Ok thank you Holly
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It's Static, and it's connected to a wall that is supporting it.
Yes, it is allowed. |
I'm an ex at a lot of things: Global Moderator SSRP Admin (I was SuperAdmin for 10 seconds as a mistake) Minigames Owner Teamspeak Staff Minecraft Mod (lol) Deathrun Mod I used to go by Fennster4 but now I’m cooler
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