Hey there so i realy wanted a diamond pickaxe and sme guy said "Im selling one" im like on nice! he sended me a trade request and he showed me the pickaxe for proof and i was like Awesome! how much does it sell for? he said 1 mill but he "said i know its expensive but my friend will go online and give somthing extra" and im like ok but can you give me the pcikaxe already h said no but you can give me the one million and later ill trade you my pickaxe whit the extra suprise so i did that than he changed his name to somthing else i couldnt see it and he just left and idk if the guys still plays on the server now. So i got scammed and i have litterly 40k now. Yes i know in-game money scams are allowed but can somone atleast give me some money to start again? thanks and have a good day
hah lol dude dont get fooled you trade it now or you never do it also be sure not to accept an offer many times because he might change the price to 1$ good luck