Hi guys,
As I am passing by now and then, it has been a while since I actually posted something..
So, hi, how are all of you?
Some expressed some interest in the status of the Chrome extensions I released last time I was on the forums.. So, here are some stats (up-to-date as of 22nd of march 2016 16:52 GMT +1)
Quick List
- Average weekly usage: 25 unique users
- Rating: 5/5 stars (by: 2 unique users)
- Last 30 days saved URL clicks: 45 clicks
- Last 30 days saved unique URL's created: 165 links
- Top usage location: United Kingdom: 45 users
Quick Templates
- Average weekly usage: 37 unique users
- Rating: 0/5 stars (by: 0 unique users)
- Top usage location: United Kingdom: 51 users
Now, for the future, it might be fun for the League of Legends players around here to hear about my new longer-term project.. I am working on: " Find a team for lol.com ", as the name suggests, it will be a platform for League of Legends players to sign up, create and/or search for teams. All information from the League of Legends API will be imported to the website.. Summoner, Game, Ranked, Team, Team ranked stats but also
live match information and match history data (Personal and Team). Currently I have not too much time, but the basic skeleton of the project has been setup.
So, all I can show you guys now, is this (Sorry, gif frame rate is capped):
Cya around guys.