Hey forums.
I had a phone call today of a pretty sketchy PC repair company telling me that my PC is riddled with viruses and malware but I was to busy to really take advantage so I'm going to make a virtual machine and give them a call back and see if they can do anything about it
So I'm going to make a windows xp virtual machine but I'm really hoping the scammer goes through my files so I want you all to suggest somethings that I can put on the virtual machine, pictures, files etc. anything will do just fill in the blanks of what I have below this and I'll pick a few and add them to the virtual machine.
What should the desktop wallpaper be?
What pictures should I have on the desktop for him to find?
Notepads with incriminating file names?
Going to make the call soon so try to fill this thread up whatever you want me to have on the desktop of the v.machine, this will be recorded if I get a good reaction.