Hello guys, i already made a post about Jayo:) But this one is for every staff. Thanks! Thanks sonzy, jetzy, morgan, clarky and some others! Specaial thanks to: Jayo He is an amazing staff member and i hope he gets far with it, Morgan You are making me happy when i see you on the server, Jetzy i realy like you, you are an amazing guy, clarky i havent realy talked that much to you but you are realy nice person, Brother gustro you are one of the best owners i've seen and i love when i see you, BiWx voorhees you always help me out with stuff, Keith You are doing an fantastic job as Head Admin/Super Admin and i like when you reply to me and say good stuff about me, spoderman You are a very nice guy i like it, dylan i've met you ingame and i have been talking to you and you are fantastic, Jordan Johnson you are a very nice guy i like you and you like me, N8 squared i dont know if your still admin but you are fantastic, captainf1rework you are a fantastic guy and i like you a lot, codeah you are a nice guy and i've been talking with you and you seem very nice, LJ you are a nice guy you do what they say you do, Mrfluffy i dont know if your admin still either but you are a good person and you always help me, EMP you made the rules and the stuff you are fantastic, Walk3r fantastic guy always help me when i need, Holly i like his voice and he is very nice and a good staff member, Smo you are an fantastic guy you do what they say you do and i like you as admin, paramontana you are very nice guy and i just love you (no homo). If there is anyone i didnt get in here reply it and i will fix it. Thanks for reading! To the guys i posted about, you are all fantastic!!! <3 <3 <3