So uh... here's a thread to talk about dreams. I'll start. It's a long, weird ass dream. I'll explain it from the viewpoint of my dream.
It all starts at a six flags park, somewhere around Texas. Note that this wasn't the "Six Flags over Texas" theme park, but something of that nature, as it looked nothing like it. The sky was a surprising shade of blue as I looked up and there was a nice BBQ smell hanging in the air. My mother and I sat down eating a basket of boneless chicken, loaded with seasoning.
It was out of nowhere that my crush since third grade, and going into high school still being that same status (I get it, it's weird. I'll ask her out sometime) came up behind me and scared the living shit out of me, making all of my chicken fly onto the sidewalk. Out of an instant reaction, I pushed my hand across her face, making her fall onto the ground. So, we both laughed, and she basically remained out of the dream for the rest of the period.
After that, the sky turned a dark shade of grey, and an approaching dust storm that hung with death was coming at an alarming rate. It tumbled chairs everywhere and sent my mother flying into the storm. All of us ran with fear, and somehow, this entire idea came from an earlier dream with a tornado, and I was stuck inside a house. But anyway, I couldn't beat the storm, and it swallowed me whole, sending me spinning in different directions, not even sure what to do.
Alright, between these two moments, I'm not really sure what happened, but here's the next part:
It was the same day, but the afternoon this time, and I was walking about on a boardwalk. I noticed a lower part of the boardwalk and went underground to see it. Little did I know that under there lie the darkest place on Earth.
It was filled with drugs everywhere, and a bunch of other sketchy black market items, like (I don't even fucking know anymore) human pizza, rat horns, bodies, drugs, it all made no sense at all. I walked through, and at the place where the people made human body-part pizza was a young couple eating at it, and they didn't look like the ones to cause trouble. So, strangely I walked about until coming to a giant escalator. On it, I was one ledge behind CustomGrow420, who held a bong.
I went to the top, only to see the same dark dust storm approaching. I knew I wouldn't make it back in time, but I stumbled across an MLG you-tuber, CheekiiChaps. He gave me drugs that made me go at hyper speed, and along the way, I quickscoped a lot of people, 420 blazed it, and battled FazeClan. Thankfully, I made it back in time, and uh...
I don't know much after that, but it was something about making a movie with Luan and #Max, both from the Zarp community.
Seriously, this was absolutely weird, and I had no idea what was going on half of the time. I also probably left out key details, but whatever. What dreams have you had? Post them below!
Seriously though, what the fuck.