So. Recently, i have been seen around the community with a player named Hentai. this guy was actually supposed to be banned from the server, and it was just someone named Void on an ALT account. I chose to blind sight this, as before i was staff or even thought about being staff, i had no respect for the rules of this community. After i became a member of staff, things became a little more awkward, through My own actions. After i became moderator, it was reasonably quiet and i did my duties, but still continued to play with Hentai, even though i knew he was evading his ban. Next, i got to the rank of administrator. After this, people began to look into the case with Void Being Hentai. people from the lead team suspected more and more over time that Void was Hentai, but had no evidence. They then went to me, and asked me if i knew anything about him. I blatantly Lied to them, and nothing will make up for the fact that i did this. I ignored my duties as a member of staff, and even decided to betray the trust of fellow staff members. The reason i did this was not justifiable at all. I lied to them due to the fact i knew that i could be demoted for this, so i was very anxious about the subject, as i valued my rank over a lot of things in my life. I consider Void a very good friend of mine, whom i have known for 4-5 Years, and i knew very well. I felt like i owed him something, due to the fact he was the one who introduced me to Zarp, and tought me a lot of what i know today about the server. He was banned around 2 months ago for Mass RDM, yet he continued to go on Hacking and ban evading on various account, with me knowing this the whole time.
Words cannot explain how sorry i am for my actions, and i am willing to apoligize to as many people as possible, due to the fact i have lied to the whole community. I ignored my duties as a member of staff, and chose to continue to let a player be a part of the community when he was supposed to be banned.Void did not and still Does not deserve to be a part of this community due to his actions, yet i still continued to let him play in the community, and even lied to people about it.
I am willing to take punishment for my actions, and i will try to prove i am sorry to the community as many times as it takes. I would like to say thanks to Tyler, Doom, and Paramontana. these guys have helped me a lot, and even though i lied to them i am still thankful that they have tried to help me throughout this.
I will do anything to prove that i am still worthy of being a member of the staff team, and a member of this community. What i did was not acceptable at all, but i would still like to regain trust within the community, along with the fact i do not expect people to accept any of my apologies at all.