Alright lads, Since Keith has an amazing post and since Morgz does an amazing work for the community I thought I'd direct this post towards him.
I've always thought of
Morgan as a guy who was like 21 when I first join the community, and since I've been here for 5/6 month's, Morgan's always helped myself and everyone who needs it.
Every day for 3 years Morgan has came on every day and with a desire to help people out, He's did so much stuff for the Zarp community weather it be helping staff out to do the right instead of doing the wrong, As well as listening to everyone and helping each others out. Personally, Morgan has helped me alot to become the guy I am today, He's listened to me whine and stuff like that and he's still there to help everyone including me to the right direction. For everytime I make a mistake or have a issue with something, Morgan is always there to hear me out and to help me with stuff I need help with. For almost 3 years, Morgan doesn't stop just helping someone, he always has to go the extra mile to make sure that if a player he helps can enjoy zarp and personally has made this a really good community as he's a great lad as well as a great friend who you can go to for support. Morgan's dedication towards Zarp community is just an inspiration as he's online and able to help anyone out for more than 12 hours of his day, Through every thing I've messed up on while I've been staff on SSRP
Morgan has always helped me understand what I did is wrong and I can't do it again. While Morgan is busy with his admin duties as he's
Teamspeak Staff Forum staff SSRP Head Admin Bhop
Co Owner he's always got time to help everyone out as best as he can, From handling refund requests to dealing with applications He's always got time to listen to the community as a whole. From listening to everyone on Teamspeak and playing his
Not so good songs, He's always there to help everyone out if they need it.
As a very first Moderator, Morgan trained me when I got staff and since then I've always looked up to him as a "Boss" as he knows more than me when it comes to the staff team, Once I got accepted as Moderator then I spoke to him more and came to interect with him alot more than just seeing him on and off the servers, Right now Morgan is staff on 4 servers and is extremly active on all of them as well as helping everyone out. Right now, from time to time Morgan hosts giveaways for the community to make them enjoy the servers alot more weather it be giving out VIP to doing a
$40,000,000 giveaway on SSRP, As he's a nice guy and is a really good member to have in this community, So Morgz when ever you do see this keep up the amazing work man and I've noticed you've been trying so hard and it's just a little thank you for everything you've did for me as well as the community!