I've seen that this is a trend in the Graphics Showcase so I've decided to get involved!
I've started making stuff through Photoshop around 3-4 years ago. I've started because of my brother, he started using it and then I decided to use it. Mostly I didn't look at tutorials, I looked at speedarts. It gave me some inspiration but I learnt a couple of things from this youtuber named
MoltenPixelTV. He gave really good tutorials and inspiration. I have learnt everything myself in Photoshop and now am learning Illustrator. I should be getting a Graphics Tablet meaning I will be able to draw on the board and all of the information shall be transferred to Photoshop / Illustrator. The ZARP Community inspired me to do Graphic Designing too! Like for example,
xSeppe who were the owners of Silent March when i joined them and i've decided to make a shit ton of artwork for the gang which then became more popular and eye catching but I would like to that the whole community too!!
The artwork above is just
SOME from my Folder. I will always remember that the community helped me to become better in the Graphic Designing. They helped me by buying stuff from me such as, Signatures, Avatars Wallpapers, etc. There are some haters but like I give a fuck about them