ignore the default dark rp its the light saber which counts the Health of a player :3 What do you guys think?
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "DrawMyHUD",function()
draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW() - 400 - 870, ScrH () - 200 + 60, 50, 20, Color(54, 54, 54, 255))
draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW() - 390 - 860, ScrH () - 195 + 50, 40, 10, Color(0, 0, 0, 255))
local health = LocalPlayer():Health() or 0
local EchoHealth = LocalPlayer():Health() or 0
draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW() - 320 - 900, ScrH () - 200 + 59, health * 2.01, 12, Color (0,0,0,238))
draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW() - 320 - 900, ScrH () - 200 + 60, health * 2, 10, Color (255,0,0,238))
draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW() - 400 - 870, ScrH () - 200 + 60, 50, 6, Color(54, 54, 54, 255))
draw.RoundedBox(0, ScrW() - 390 - 860, ScrH () - 195 + 50, 40, 10, Color(0, 0, 0, 255))