Ok, ive been with zarp for ages now. And i just see how everything ingame has been changed but not the website as in what it is.
As zarp has been growing they have had the same website as other communites could have and not having there own website with a access to everything they want to change
Heres my proposal; I will make zarp a new website if needed. This may seem a bit weird just saying ill make something for you but heres my background
Ive had 4 years in web development and now i think personally can make nice websites
In 3 years, ive had many job interviews and ill be going to a company purely on game design and web development.
If any of the community owners or anyone involved and whos wanting to make the new zarp website (if agent wants it)
Ill be updating this thread for everything i do; if you would like to post suggestion can you please make a clear explanation of what it is and if you want me to have similar things to other websites please send me a screenshot or some kind of something to refrence too.
Thanks, LoG
Got the thumbs up from agent
* Started the index page.
* Created all backend components
* Waiting for community input