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TOPIC: Really?

Really? 8 years 5 months ago #265899

|OG| Saitama

Warned me for leaving a sit should of gave a verbal in my opinion then i left again saying im not doing this because he would not listen to my story second of all apperantly im lying when im not cause i killed this guy outside the district base when he had no proof i did not fucking hell man please do like another big training session with these staff memebers!
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Really? 8 years 5 months ago #265904

You're an idiot throughout the duration of the sit you acted so immature, you disrespected the staff member and did not listen to anything he had to say you then ran from the sit and when he brought tou back you said "i'm not listening to anything you say" so i don't think you're in any position to complain
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Really? 8 years 5 months ago #265909

Don't you dare to be such a hypocrite dude..
This is so much bullshit in a nutshell, dang bro!
"Give another big training session" This only makes you look so so so sad!
Do like I do, record it & report it.. That's how I made ZARP a better Staff team
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Really? 8 years 5 months ago #265915

wow a joke about a guy talking about a packet of sweets is against tou lads
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Really? 8 years 5 months ago #265917

even if it is a joke, it's against ToU
pretty sure the word negros is not against tou considering it's an island otherwise it would have been removed get a grip m8
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Really? 8 years 5 months ago #265932

To sum up this sit, it was stupid. Mentally you used Juggers chargers, Jugger killed you , you made an F1, Jugger started to become a nuisance during that F1 and had no regard to listen out others, he walked away , personally, I would of just brought them back up and froze them.
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Really? 8 years 5 months ago #265941

To sum up this sit, it was stupid. Mentally you used Juggers chargers, Jugger killed you , you made an F1, Jugger started to become a nuisance during that F1 and had no regard to listen out others, he walked away , personally, I would of just brought them back up and froze them.
You didn't really make it any easier interfering did you?
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Really? 8 years 5 months ago #265944

I never said a word, how did I intefer I was just observing the F1.
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Really? 8 years 5 months ago #265951

Does it even matter what all of you guys say?!
I won..
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Really? 8 years 5 months ago #266129

tbh you broke a rule twice by leaving the sit at all next time call for an sa+ in admin chat or pm one in server or on steam so either way i the end you did break rules and those rules you broke is bannable it counts as leaving a sit to avoid punishment even if that punishment was false you should accept it then go on the forums and make a report abuse on that staff member then you wouldnt have to worry about getting yourself in more trouble by leaving the sit so consider yourself lucky you are not in deep trouble so right now making this post about this staff member not doing there job right in your story you are trying to justify you breaking rules by leaving a sit witch i dont believe at all
Thanks Stratiic

Thanks Frentium
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Really? 8 years 5 months ago #266143

You got lucky you got warned. If you run from
A sit twice in my sit you would of had a ban for a hour

All i see in this thread is you calling out staff members with out any proof. . So next time post proof. Or dont at all

This is nothing personal just stating how things are

Ps. Feel free to make a report abuse against the staff member. You can do that in the report abuse section

lock please
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