this is getting really annoying-.-
9 years 5 days ago #257535
ok i cant take this i lost about 500k cuz the server crashed again its getting really annoying and i still think it was a waste of money buying vip atm cuz the server is crashing all the time youve said you are gonna fix it but you are not fixing it -.- the server has been down 4-5 days in a row now... and i really want my money for those printers back-.-
this is getting really annoying-.-
9 years 5 days ago #257547
Just hold your horses the servers will be back up later, i guess some people want the servers running like shit, the reason they are updating the hosters is so the servers run better with all its content they have added it isn't our fault there tech center sucks at updating stuff and that they need 100 days to do it.