OptiC wrote:
The ban isn't correct dude, I was basing with friends, he was abusing me, unban me, it doesn't even say how long i'm banned for, wtf is this?
How ever long it is probably isn't long enough based on your attitude. I didn't even bother to read your appeal the first time I just seen your name but now I've read it just backs up everyone else's story. " he's mad " ? Really that's what you want to put on an appeal about someone who as a big say in of you get unbanned or not. I see you're stressing and getting more aggravated so I'll save us all some time and go ahead and deny this appeal. DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER APPEAL UNTIL YOU CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE. You obviously need the time out because you've been in a lot of trouble for one day. I see someone on the comments also replied on how you was in a situation. Read the rules before you come back.
You're welcome to add an admin on steam and they will be happy to help you out to find out how long you're banned.