Prophet Miro wrote:
Not according to Patrick, he says he left the position because in his opinion someone else could do it better. He wasnt very active which more than likely was the reason he left. I think in the last meeting they asked him if he wished to still have his power and he said no.
I'msure thats just what i got out from reading so dont quote me
Still quoting you .
He got demoted from CM
But he was offered to keep his rank on death run as a owner but he declined the offer.
Patrice is a great guy and he and i had some run ins in the past but he was an amazing community manager
He gave me one of the best advise that i have gotten in the world and i still apply it to my daily life
"With every thing you say or do, Think by yourself will this offend any one, will this be taken in the wrong way.Can this blow back on me if i continue?. Think with every step you take. "
And i want to thank him for that as it saved me from getting a lot of trouble Both in my virtual as my real life
Thank you patrice for being a great community manager and a awesome deathrun owner!!