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RP Name:
All Luck_No Skill Link to steam profile: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198069006158/ Estimated activity (Gametrackers Recommended): Server 1 : www.gametracker.com/player/All%20Luck..%...arpgaming.com:27015/ Server 2 : www.gametracker.com/player/All%20Luck..%...arpgaming.com:27025/ Note : For the last 3 days i had exams so my activty is low and couldnt play for the last month so sorry for the low activty for the last month Total estimated server time: 80 hours ( note that i play only 4 hours a day ) Age: 14 Ingame Cash: 1.7 mills Special weapons: dia lockpick and dia lockpick Blueprint , Thundergun BP , Printer Booster BP , diamond pickaxe BP , diamond pickaxe , RPG ( 2 ) , Door Charges ( 3 ) , PKM , F2000 ares strike ( and uranium ) Previous gang(s): The Brotherhood Duration in previous gang(s): 5 Months Have you been warned within the last 2 weeks, if yes when and why?: Yes ( Slam as a shopowner ), I didnt know that Slams are not allowed for ShopOwners Why should we choose you?: i based once with a born in blood memebers and this gang is perfect in all directions ( from basing all the way to defending and base building ) and i wanted to join born in blood for a long time ( before the halloween event ) and now iam applying for the gang |
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