Here are a few goals I'm going to be working on in the Zarp servers I play on :
SSRP : Currently working on trying to get all 4 player upgrades I already have 1 out of the 4 and half way through the ammo boost upgrade and trying to collect rare items to keep in my inventory
SSRP : Try to be the best admin I can and be as helpful as I can
SSRP : Trying to make my gang a successful gang so far it's going great we have 2 upgrades and we earn gang loot very fast so we will be getting more upgrades soon
Deathrun : Reach GodKing (lvl 35) or any new ranks that may be added in the future
Deathrun : Also try to be the best admin I can and bring fun to the server
Any Server : I hope one day to become a Super Admin I know it takes a lot but these are my goals and maybe one day I'll achieve them
Everywhere in Zarp : I'm going to try and not make enemies on any server/forums and also be as helpful and friendly as I can in any situation
These are not my goals for 2016 just my goals in general but I decided to make a post about it and share my goals with you post down below a few goals your looking to achieve