Alright, First of all Happy New year!
For the past 1/2 Week(s), My Language towards 2/3 staff members has been totally out of order and witch I fully understand, I know that I should not take it to hard if someone is abusing or I'm just having an "off" day, I'm not going to say who the 3 people are as they know who they are and such, So Here's my Apology.
Since I think 2 weeks ago, I was dealing with some hard stuff and I took it out on the guy who is basicly trying to help me out, I'm just really not used to getting help and I do sincerely apologise my language towards you, It wasn't needed nor acceptable to use that kind of language towards a Lead Team, Thankfully he never took it to heart a he knew I would be sorry. I know I caused it all, in what I did that day towards you is totally not allowed and I'm glad that you're still there to help me to get in the right. You were also a great help towards myself & Another member of staff today, In witch it took you out of enjoying your new year to deal with myself.
2 days ago, I was disrespectful towards a Moderator. Basicly it all started as I was working on something for my friends friend to help him out and to then she got invited to help out. Then alot of people joined randomly so automatic I blamed her as I know nobody else had the link except us 3, So I called her names towards steam in what is rude and I do apologise towards that, Then I joined Server 2 and then Myself & you created a flame war in the Admin chat in which lead to Fennster getting annoyed as we were basicly spamming the admin chat with things to say to each other, I know my actions towards you on steam and creating that flame war in what later made Morgan coming out of his time to deal with it. Thankfully, I've really spoken to you since as Myself & You are basicly fine on the servers now but yeah, I just want to say I'm sorry for my actions towards you on steam.
Today, I suggested a Moderator warn someone by the Logs in witch I do now know that you need proof for every situation and the logs are just there to help you understand what happened and who killed who, So if you're that user then you know I apologise. So then I spawn in and get teleported to speak to the person this part of the sorry post is about, Then I was stubborn towards you as I believed I was right and you were wrong in witch you weren't, I then kept basicly running side to side as I began bored of just standing there in what I now know that you weren't to happy with me doing it and I'm sorry about that, Then I handled an abuse report on you as I got the f1. I did know that I wasn't allowed to do that, But as I wasn't to keen to allow you to deal with it as I thought you'd just tell him to go away or something and I know you wouldn't but you don't really think to good when you're annoyed. So then I was basicly being rude to a Lead Team member who was basicly only trying to help me understand that I can't do it and to not do it again, I understand you fully 100% and I'd like to apologise for making you angry at myself when you were not to well to deal with staff problems. Then Morgan helped us out as he's a awesome guy.
Lead Team:
I understand for the past 2 days especially I was out of order, I'm accepting what ever punishment is brought up in the Lead Team against myself and I'll take it on the chin as I know that I was totally out of order doing they things towards 2 Highly Likeable guys in the community who is doing it for the best & I'm sorry for starting a flame war in Admin chat on Server 2.