Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition usable as either an off-route Anti-Tank mine or a traditional land mine. Blast damage is less than the M15, but is still capable of a Mobility Critical on heavily armored vehicles
Although weaker than an M15 AT Mine, it is much easier to conceal behind cover, and finds some novel uses as it can be attached to walls and objects. It will detonate whenever a vehicle, object or even human approaches within the proximity of the laser
SLAMs are required to destroy any heavy armored Cops and minges , two for armored cops, and one for unarmored Raiders such as new players, Lazy people, and people with low armour.
At range of one meter of proximity a slam could kill any bystander.
Since it can be attached to Walls and props, it is occasionally used as an alternative to C4,Although they do not damage Man made props.
The SLAM can be placed in close quaters allowing for instant kills from close range.
Tactics of using slams:
The S.L.A.M. has two modes of operation
Its primary use is as a laser tripmine. Once placed, it will first make a charging sound, and then will emit a red beam. If anything breaks this beam, the mine will detonate. In this way, S.L.A.Ms can be used for two purposes, creating traps and area denial. S.L.A.Ms used to create traps can be placed in stairwells or around corners to snag careless individuals who run into them. Alternatively, S.L.A.Ms can be placed in clear view; enemies are not likely to run into them, but are forced to slow down to deal with or avoid the threat. S.L.A.Ms can still Be picked up and thrown again, a situation the trap-setter can take advantage of. The S.L.A.M can be placed on any solid surface, even on physics objects, although this is very dangerous, as bumping the object can detonate the device, though, if you can move the object successfully, the S.L.A.M will be floating in mid air. This allows you to place S.L.A.Ms on the back of other S.L.A.Ms to make a 4 way laser bomb. This can be a good (though risky) way to set up a trap. Block a corridor or doorway with crates or other objects, and place a S.L.A.M on the debris where it is not visible from the other side. Then, when the opponent tries to clear the debris out of the way so they can pass, they'll detonate the device without ever knowing it was there.The second mode is remote-detonated. It is possible to drop one or more S.L.A.Ms on the ground, which can be remote detonated with the secondary fire key. It also possible to pick it up with the Gravity Gun as the owner, and launching at enemy by firing it and quickly switch to the remote and detonating it. Taking these two uses into account, the S.L.A.M combines the functions of both the Laser Tripmine
If S.L.A.Ms are blocking the way, they are easy to deal with; spot them before walking into a trap. Simply shooting them or throwing an object through their beam will cause them to detonate. When detonating a S.L.A.M, remember to stand back otherwise explosion damage will still be incurred - S.L.A.Ms tend to have a large blast radius. Setting up multiple S.L.A.Ms can cause chain reaction explosions

I hope this answers all questions.