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1) I have been recommended that this gang is thriving and will be succsessful by my friend Codeah. I have decided that I also need to be a part of this and be from the Vanguard Family.
2) If he is stealing another car I would help and protect him/raiding the same. If he is stealing my stuff or taking them I would ask the reason. Later if he RDM's and destroys my stuff I will tell the Owner of the gang imidiately. 3) Ownage 4) RPG, F2000 Rifle and Machine Gun (Highest of Heavy Gun Dealer) 5) I have 2.3 M and screenshot is here. Hope you read this and accept me to your gang. Have a nice day! Player Name: |VIP| DarkMagic69
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You need to post this in their gang thread
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