meme machine wrote:
Brother Zachery Wraith wrote:
Dude, I'm just gonna say this...
If you're going to make a post about how you don't get what you want, then you're not fit for admin. If you truly wanted the position you wouldn't have broken a rule in the first place.
Dude, I'm just gonna say this...
Can you read?
They KNEW the warning was removed/false (not sure) so don't even start on how he was "breaking rules". And to be honest, if someone denied me like that, I'd make a post too, I wouldn't just let this level of bullshit happen.
No offense to anyone by the way.
They way they chose for people to become staff is a vote... And if the majority voted no, then Whoopty Freaking Do.
He just needs to grow up and accept that he got denied and try again, but make a better appearance in game. Making this kind of post is dumb, ignorant, and arrogant. He is basically saying that the whole staff team is wrong and that they should make me a mod because I'm better then the others.