it's with great sadness that i am going to resign from my position as DR Admin i have been thinking alot about it but i realize i cannot put enough time in at the moment or the near future as i was
blessed with a beautiful son at 22:19 18/12/15
so for these reasons i will be stepping down but i will show my face as much as i can on the server and i will be on the forums at least once a day.
as for my RP gang you have amazed me at how well you cope with situations and without need to call upon me so because of that i leave Robin in charge while i am away for a while and the other officers will have to consult robin on things as just as they would have had to consult me.
so good luck there guys
i would make a thank you list but really you guys are all amazing you all have special things that make me smile and help me enjoy ZARP servers
i will be floating around the DR and RP servers so i am not gone but just wanted you all too know my situation and why i would not be on so thank you guys for all the enjoyment i have had and i plan to enjoy alot more of ZARP in the future.
thank you for reading