I am the Walrus wrote:
Best guy in the community (Staffmembers, Normal users): You're killing me with these questions. Umm... Lightarrows?
Most professional staff-member: Hitman Jerry
Best lead team member: Blocked, Ace, Harridas
Best moderator: Do not know
Best admin: Lisol
Best ZARP Moment:
Redpowder's fake "demotion and community ban" about selling the bhop server.
Worst Zarp Moment:
Attention whoring drama.
Biggest roast 2015: Every EMP post.
Best Quote 2015: That one quote about DDos explosion.
The quote is What the Fuck type of DDOS causes an explosion-EMP 2K15
If I'm correct i know that emp's post was replying to 2spooky4me's post