Best guy in the community (Staffmembers, Normal users): I have to make an unordered list for this one.
Blocked, leader of the internet
He-Man, leader of tracksuits
Hitman Jerry, leader of the oil industry
love ya don't hate me pls
Plankton, leader of foreheads
Dosman, leader of cheekbones
Patrick, leader of hair colour
Manya', leader of dinosaurs
Most professional staff-member:
I would probably have to say
Hitman on this one, while he knows how to take a joke he still runs a server great and knows his way around the community well.
Best lead team member:
SSRP = Probably a tie between Tyler and Paramontana, they both seem to do a great job.
TTT = Hitman
Deathrun = Me
just kidding, I think Polsee does a great job currently.
BHOP = Granny, leader of strikes!
Best moderator:
SSRP = No one, top lad.
Deathrun = Deathbringer, lord of the vikings.
TTT = I guess Kat, somehow he's managed to stay on the server for a while.
BHOP = Davoody seems to be on a lot, as well as Captin, so a tie between the 2.
Best admin:
SSRP = Well, I don't play much but I have seen Holly, Ace and Richard Harper doing alot.
TTT = P0rtalsh0oter, stayed there for so long.
Deathrun = DZXE
BHOP = Blocked
Best ZARP Moment:
For myself it would be when I got Global Moderator, but in the community as a whole while I've been here was probably when our servers got #1 on Gametracker, or Patrick got CM.
Biggest roast 2015:
Best Quote 2015: