I know I have been around the ZARP community for a few months now and I am very largely hated as a person and I can see why. I am really sorry about every time I RDMed, NLRed, or disrespected anyone on the server. I want to change as a person and I will try my hardest to not break rules and just have a good time on the server. I know that I am a minge at times and I want to fix the damage that I have done to many players. If anyone is willing to forgive me then I will be happy. If you are looking this over, thanks for that. ZARP's 2nd biggest minge --- Sausage
I probably wont be back soon, I was banned for 2 weeks and I will miss the Christmas gift and the rest of the update. I am going to take a break from ZARP. I will see you all in maybe a month or two I hope.