KryTastic wrote: wrote:
How many times do i have to tell you guys that you are breaking rule number 4.22 !!
Base entrance .....
What`s ironic with this gang that its created by the community owner and has like 4 head-admins in the gang, but the gang is filled with so many rulebreakers (I even have video proof of one of them mass NLR`ing (4x))
How does this even make sense? You want me to watch everyone in my gang? I can't help that they don't want you in or want to play with you but being salty and trying to blame people it has nothing to do with just makes you look like a complete ass. The Bhood had all the SuperAdmins and most admins in it but still had rule breakers.. Did we hold them all responsable for the actions of people in the gang? NOOO You know why because its nothing to do with them. What also is funny I guess it was GamerGuy who said the same thing and I proved to him with just about everyone on the server there was more people in other gangs with recent warnings that there was in ms-13. What is Ironic is that its coming from you of all people... Good stuff!
PS: For the selected few that find it hard to understand because their to busy trying to blame other for rule breakes when their own record is far from clean.. I DO NOT RUN THE GANG!