Nexize wrote:
rate my sexappeal 1-10 ?
9/10, not enough dick pics.
ToXIc Gaming wrote:
Why are you a spammer and why are you a weeabo.
1.I don't spam, pro0f?
2.Im not a weaboo and
ur a fgt
DeathRazor213 wrote:
why u nexize fanboy
why did u choose ur name to be the dutch word for hello?
why are u such a minge
what was the first anime u watched
what is the worst anime u saw so far
what is ur favorite anime
how drunk are you right now on a scale of 1 to drunk
1.He was the first friendly person I have met on darkrp, we have been friends for a year, he is a dirty boy and likes sending me "stuff" on whatsapp, he also carries me 95% of games we play on league.
2.I was getting raided quite often by some guy from UK, I hated him so much, I kept changing names every god damn day. One day the map changed and he quit. I decided to change my name just to make sure, then my friend came to me and screamed 'HI HI HI HI", and I changed my name to Hoi.
3.Im a minge when I need 2 be one.
5. Don't know
Preditorv's favorite anime Boku No Pico I guess?
6. I have 3, can't decide. Mirai Nikki, Dungeon Ni Deai O Motomeru No Wa Machigatteiru Darou Ka, Date A Live
7. -21
skykiller233 wrote:
are you a boy or a girl ?
how old are you ?
what is you best game ?
what is your best (gmod) gamemode ?
1. Boy ;_;
2. 15
3. I guess CS:GO/League
4. It was DarkRP for a long time, now TTT.
5. np bud kek.
Nutzu3650XL wrote:
Favourite TF2 Unusual?
Allbrero with any effect kek.