MichaelSmith wrote:
You are always doing or helping with events so what would you say if you were offered a special rank "Events Manager" ?
How long have you been on Zarp?
Apart from yourself what other admin would you like to see as a super adminge?
Favourite Moderator?
Favourite Owner?
How many attempts did it take for you to become mod?

I love helping people by making events because when they can't really print moneyz they are just getting bored and leaving from zarp.I am making events they are having very fun and that gives me more energy for it!
2 years on zarp
Hmm Nutzu,Holly and Slapy deserves Super Admin for my eyes
My favorite mod? hmm i think it is Aidan
My favorite owner is
RedPooder <3
I made 3 apps for mod xD
Nice guestions buddy