[SSRP] Door chargers on fading doors
9 years 4 months ago #218909
Server Name: SSRP1 and SSRP2
Suggestion Title: Door chargers on fading doors
How would it benefit the server: This will make door charges more usefull, and some bases less overpowered
Potential Issues/Exploits: People getting fast in bases with afking people
Additional notes: This should've been added when the door charges were introduced. This would give a good use to the door charges and it would look pretty badass to just blow up a fading door
[SSRP] Door chargers on fading doors
9 years 4 months ago #219119
Seeing as these are a temp item I see no reason not to allow this, they aren't really that good currently compared to other explosives either. This would give them far more power and it fits as they're a rare item. To those saying it would make lock picks redundant I do not agree. I have a bunch of explosive weapons and I still use the lock picks as a lot of the time I don't want people hearing me blowing their base up as this tends to cause an army of drugged up players running at me with LMGs.
[SSRP] Door chargers on fading doors
9 years 4 months ago #219218
I don't know..
This could be in a rare case which is very rare to collect, and be good for raiding... But then again, what's the point when you can use a lockpick...
I don't know....