Login to ZARP
Name - What is your ingame name? Maxikiller05
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID? STEAM_0:1:74057297 Admins name - Who kick/ban you | who might it be? Bruce Mc Stevenson Reason and Proof - Any proof on a video/screenshot that clearly show what happened? I got banned for 2 Days for this reason? Why i got banned? For i leave from the game wen i want to leave? I leaved wen i died by Police Officer! prntscr.com/8mziwr and got warned for no reason, wen i driving my car. prntscr.com/8mo2mn People PropBloking! Ban ? no! That is cool! prntscr.com/8mzmfu Cops MASS RDA - No ban's! prntscr.com/8mzngj prntscr.com/8mznnm People MASS RDM (SPAWN KILL) Ban? No! prntscr.com/8lmg84 prntscr.com/8lmgb3 prntscr.com/8lmgcq prntscr.com/8lmghq prntscr.com/8lmgl0 prntscr.com/8lmg6s prntscr.com/8lmg44 prntscr.com/8lmg2t prntscr.com/8lmfyu prntscr.com/8lmfwq prntscr.com/8lmft5 prntscr.com/8lmfr8 prntscr.com/8lmfo7 prntscr.com/8lmfmk prntscr.com/8lmfjl prntscr.com/8lmfh1 prntscr.com/8lmfbo prntscr.com/8lmf9n prntscr.com/8lmgg8 For now i Think ---> R.I.P ZARP <-- Extremely abusive players around... and Staff abusers! ________________________________________________________ LoL Where did i UNBANNED? NICE yeah saying UNBANNED trying to join to server BANNED oh my gad..! prntscr.com/8n2r7x www.zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/appea...unban-request-appeal |
Last Edit: 9 years 3 months ago by maxikiller05.
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After speaking with Luan, we have decided to unban you. Bear in mind that you should never disconnect whilst you're being addressed by a staff member. You will be unbanned as soon as possible. Make sure to familiarise yourself with the rules before joining, and if you'd like to file a complaint about a certain staff member, head over to the Report abuse section and follow the template. Have fun, play fair! Accepted. Lock please. _________________________________________ Show me please where i unbanned? |
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Don't make a new topic, be patient.
ex-dog LT member on many servers
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Be patient, no need to make a new topic.
It can take like 10 minutes between the servers to unban you and aswell some time for the staff member to even get on |
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You'll be unbanned. Don't worry.
I'm an ex at a lot of things:
Global Moderator SSRP Admin (I was SuperAdmin for 10 seconds as a mistake) Minigames Owner Teamspeak Staff Minecraft Mod (lol) Deathrun Mod I used to go by Fennster4 but now I’m cooler
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