Mkay so I saw this and everyone is hating on you.
So I'm going to give you some tips as people reconize me as a YouTuber on Zarp.
1) Never do this. Just say its an introduction and just say I'm a YouTube etc.
2) Make good quality videos. I edit each of mine for over an hour.
3) Don't beg for sub's. Makes you look bad.
4) Never rule break on your videos.
5) So I got on Zarp when I had 25 sub's. A few months from then I am now at 53 odd sub's. You have to work really hard.
6) Work hard.
7)Don't expect to just jump on YouTube and make subscribers it don't work.
If you are proud of a video post it on Graphic showcase. Not everyone though :0
Well I hope my tips help you in your youtubing career. -meathead595-
This was made on a phone. Pls no hate on grammar