If the game ended with Chapter 1 Id give it a solid 7/10 but then it continued with Chapter 2 so err 5/10. The story in Chapter 2 is pretty much bullshit and there are numerous mistakes(probably intentional) in the storyline(probably due to hallucinations, or more Kojima bullshit). I quite enjoyed one mission in the Chapter 2 called Shining Lights, Even in Death. Because
You have to(or not) shoot your own infected men. So that was kinda fun..to headshot your own men.....yeah...
Furthermore I tested out the AI even more and they are still stupid and sometimes REALLY REALLY impressive. So I dont understand why the soldiers are sometimes really dumb and sometimes really good. It doesnt matter that the AI will hunt you down if they lose sight of you as some guy on this forums once said(I wont say his name coz hes mad already and he will only get more mad), you can just hide for few mins(about 1 minute) they will not find you...well if you are not hiding at the last known position of course.
Kojima had over 5 years and he didnt even finish the game. He promised Camp Omega and where is it? He literally said that we would return to Camp Omega. Why was it scrapped? Wheres the
Ending? You know what I am talking about. If you dont know search for MGS V phantom pain secret ending or deleted ending. It will very possibly be a paid DLC or they will just leave it like this.
Now to the Spoiler section.
So as you know Venom Snake isnt Big Boss. The game has few mistakes in the MGS Series. First it says the Real Big Boss built Outer Heaven but Venom Snake was leading the uprising and then Solid Snake killed him? Kaz hates Big Boss even though Its not clearly explained. If I remember correctly right after the crash at the Hospital with Venom Snake and Ishmael the time was around 3 AM(thats when Venom Snake woke up from the car crash) and at the end theres a mission called TRUTH and in the mission Big Boss went out of the car before Venom Snake and met Ocelot and he gave him all the info at around 5 AM. So what about a little explanation Kojima? Is it a fake truth? And how did Big Boss hide his identity(face) as Ishmael? If you look at him with the bandages he has no beard and he has an eye(probably a fake eye) but he cannot hide his hair even if its a mask. You would still see some kind of outlines that theres hair or something, But it literally looks like hes bald and clean shaved.
What I actually think is this: Ishmael is fake, If you check youtube or if you remember how at the Hospital Ishmael said: ill run inteference and threw the silencer and jumped, he just disappeared and then reappears infront of the hospital like nothing happened. I think the entire Hospital scene and Truth Ending didnt actually happen like that.
The game is very MGS as someone can say but to me it looked very rushed and isnt explained at all and this is supposed to be THE LAST MGS game as Kojima said, so everyone expected MGS to be closed but this just gives more questions than answers.
Kojima should have stayed with the idea that Venom Snake is the Real Big Boss and that hes building Outer Heaven and not Diamond Dogs. This would make ALOT more sense. And the twist that Venom Snake is not Big Boss was seen from miles away.