Brother Zachery Wraith wrote:
Noooooooo it's gotta be cute, like I've already made a rose appear from thin air and some other magical things but I've already ran out of ideas
Nooo dudeeee, She will think you are a weirdo I am telling you this for a fact.
If you want to be a Cute guy Follow these steps:
1 Go to a mall (Walmart/Asda/Tesco UK/USA), Buy her a card saying I love you. Write in it will you come to homecoming with me.
2. Call her up using your phone, Be like a friend not a boy friend so she will think hmmm.
3 Arrange to meet her somewhere.
4 Talk about things!, Do not talk about homecoming.
5 Out of no where, Pull out a card from your pocket.
Brother Zachery Wraith wrote:
So I decided not to ask her because none of us have our licenses yet. I don't want to have to get a ride from my parents... thats just weird imo.
I'll wait till prom, because I'll have my license and... wait for it... its not some ghetto version of prom at the school
Be a man and call a cab!