ToXIc Gaming wrote:
Zaxerino wrote:
This is fucked up -,- why say that, we didn't know that and you laughing [Kinda] about it isn't helping him so if he wants to stop playing ssrp then let it be don't come saying "I warned him and he almost cried" *clap* *clap*
Did I laugh?
I was simply stating a fact to help prove my point.
Who the hell cares if its because he is bored or if it is cause he won't become Staff-Member in the first place? Back when i was staff-member we called posts like yours very unprofessional.
I dont get why u would mention it. Except for you want to get on his nerves. Even if he left cause of that reason he clearly doesnt wanna talk about it so i suggest you to stop being fucking annoying, mkay?