While some people already know this, Many do not so I thought I would tell everyone. I will start with a small introduction, I joined zarp early this year and immediately joined the darkrp, It was my first darkrp server and based off someone who was coming from Serious RP I was quite shocked. No one used /me and /it wasn't even a command. After a while I decided I enjoyed the game mode and I applied for staff. My first app was denied but I applied again next week and it was accepted. After a while I decided to try out some other servers like deathrun, which I am now staff on.
Now, Onto the more pressing matter(TL;DR at the bottom). I have told very few people this and as I currently have the confidence to say it, I decided to make a post on the forums about it. I'm gay and no, you are not allowed to ask questions.
Maybe in the near future I will make a full introduction (Probably on my 1 year anniversary at
Boring introduction + Wheatley is gay.