After my recent antics it has come across my mind that i have never properly told my story to anyone on zarp and about all the great adventures that i have lived through while being part of this awesome community.
It all began in November of 2014 when i by pure luck found this server after getting banned of some other DarkRP server for trolling. When i first joined the server i was a massive rule breaker who for some reason never got caught breaking rules at all. I would self-supply on a daily basis and beg mod for money. If i recall correctly but a moderator called ''Anna'' at the time would always help me, and show me the ways, as well as introducing to my first proper of friends on zarp.
I read in advert that ''ETA Freedom Fighters'' were recruiting into their gang,after consulting with Anna i was recommended to join and they eagerly let me in. It was awesome i made 5 million during our basing time and it was great, i never had so much money on the server before. I was hooked. This kept going on for a few weeks and it was awesome. Then suddenly ETA left zarp with was dissapointing for me, and i left with them, i forgot about this server completely up until christmas when i decided to revisit it, to minge around with a friend of mine.
Upon joining back i noticed things changed and different people were now in control of the server completely which at first seemed like a bummer to me. I soon befriended a guy called Bartman and actually bought him VIP a few weeks later in exchange for in game currency. It was awesome just like it was during the haloween time. I then got grounded for 4 weeks and my computer got taken away. Upon my eager return i noticed that Bartman quit zarp shortly after my return and that favourite gang the Harper Family died off completely. After 2 weeks of sulking i became close friends with Slenderman who was an admin at the time (he still has his rank even after resigning months ago, look into that guys), me and him played all the time until he had exams and became super inactive. Once more i was left alone.
However just before slenderman departed to study he introduced me to Chad Ubetcha who i quicky became friends with and we both applied for Cozart Familia which was a newly created gang on the server. Much to my surprise i got accepted and Chad got denied, for a while our paths didn't cross over by they soon would again. My time in that gang was great and i met some of my really good friends such as Keith, Pinky, Slapy, George and Redwingz. The gang only lasted for about 2 weeks and soon disbanded, Having this happen to me before i got highly annoyed and called Chad on skype, that night we created ''The Cult'' which for me was something precious.
Soon George tagged along and co-owned the gang with us. Everything went really well, we got new members, based together, made loads of money. Much better than we anticipated it to be. Soon Chad became inactive and got demoted within the gang and later kicked out. Pinky now stepped up to own the gang with us. Once more a golden age reigned for a week or two until George left darkrp for good and now Slapy became the other leader. The gang lasted four about another month smoothly until many members became inactive and some left, on one day everything ended after Pinky left the gang.
I felt like resigning that day as i was admin at that time. However i stayed and waited for Mario to create Mad Men which i then joined. Two or so weeks later i resigned from zarp which was only a few days ago. I am grateful for my adventure that i was able to have on this server.
Without a doubt i can say that i will return and regain my position as Admin on DarkRP but i won't return alone, I will bring back those, who have not been seen in a long time and with us all I will bring back my greatest creation on DarkRP.