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So I wanted to use the steam client, was usual when I'm not on computer... But this time... When I was using Wi-Fi and wanted to say/send something to strattic, I clicked on the send button and it wasn't working... Went to the friends list and was a little buggy at all.. Tried to message someone and it worked... But it was offline before... I tried to message strattic again... Kinda didn't sent cuz the chat was offline... Turned the Wi-Fi off and turned the 4G on... Tried to send it it worked... After get offline chat... Tried to close steam app completely and get back... Chat offline and everyone offline... Did it again failed until i was able to message someone else... Get like it was before again so I had to relog... After relogin, it keep bugging... After trying something... The chat went like this...
With nobody online and if I click on the menu, isn't even my name and pictures...
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Its probbably only you, everything works fine for me.
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Nutzu3650XL wrote:
Try deleting the app's cache. It bugged for me sometimes on my old phone, this worked. Thanks for your answer I will try it and give you the feedback of the solution. Thank you Trying to don't double post... Okay hoi gotcha Edit: Okay I tried to delete the app cache and stills like it... Well I remember about other way to delete the cache of the phone... So I might gonna reboot the Android 4.4.4 and... Get into the recovery tool and erase every cache of the phone... Edit 2: Well I reboot it 6 times actually... First i pressed on the power button + vol down (old fast boot way) Then I reboot it once again then tried to poker + vol up then stop holding the power.. Failed..next time I keep pressing, get on that menu But ...clicked on reboot... Avoid rebooting But it kept.. Again the same thing... Finally I handled it and clicked on wipe cache partition, waiting for it format the cache and reboot the phone... Steam problem solved thanks for talking about the cache And yes hoi you can lock
Last Edit: 9 years 5 months ago by SamMie32. Reason: Solved problem
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