So yeah I reached 1k posts, I achieved something good in my life I guess. Now its time to beat Walrus.
So, im an average 15 year old from Lithuania ( Nobody knows where is that ).
I love
Nightcore and pretty much every
Monstercat song.
My favorite food is Kebabs, my favorite colour is
I love anime ( Even Ecchi ), thanks NexiFlexiHozen for suggesting me anime.
My favorite game currently is League Of legends
( Shh Exrobite ).
Im 175 cm tall.
Anyways I joined this server when searching for good DarkRP servers after I got Gmod with my IRL best friend. I found this server and immeadiatly I got banned for breaking NLR like 8 times
, after I returned to Block ( Best map ever, fuck your rockford ) I got banned again. Annnd after I came back again I actually read the rules. I used to rage alot, I was so shit that I couldn't build a proper base and I got raided like 24/7, Once I even cried after I lost my Saphire printer. After that I learned to build pretty well, and time went on. Then Flexize suggested that I should apply for mod, he kept screaming at me to do it, after 1 month I decided to do it and got it, then I got admin, aaand its pretty much over
Thank you list
So here is a list of the people which are awesome, if you think I forgot you, pm on steam and I'll add you.
Thanks for all the fun we had on SSRP when you were active, but you are still a scrub at building
Man it was so fun to play games with you, we should play some more.
Thanks for all the fun, you are still a big ass minge.
You are such a minge at the forums, thanks for joining my gang and leaving it after 1 hour.
You are such a "nice" and "mature" guy, it is so "fun" to play with you. I still rek you in CS GO.
You are a noob at league sorry bud
It is always fun to talk to you
You know, thank god you got kicked from the whatsapp group, I got tired of your tanks
Thanks for all the help, when I need help you are always there #Tigzter4CM
You are such a fun and a nice guy, fun playing with you
Hitmen Perry
Thanks for all the help in SSRP bud
Thanks for dem skins on cs go m8
Thanks for the fun in teamspeak
Thanks for the fun in TTT and CS GO
Gmod Troller
Thanks for minging around in meetings, you make everything fun.
Thanks for not feeding in League and 4 perp
Thanks for the fun times in SSRP
You should stop being a liar
Thanks for the minging moments in TTT
Thanks for fun in TTT
Thanks for all the help in TTT and the forums bud, next year 10k posts ey?
Thanks for all the help in TTT!
Thanks for everything, you make everything funny
Thanks for not demoting me bud, appreaciated
Its fun to play CS:GO with you
Thanks for creating the Ahoi meme, yeah... Thanks...
Thanks for not banning me on Whatsapp anymore
Aaaaaand, the best guy
More known as NexiFlexiHozen, Flexize, Mingexize, Noobxize or just Minge, he is the best guy ever he looks to be mature and not funny very serious shit mate, he is actually a really ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) type of a guy when you get to know him very well. Man to think we met after I fucking raided the shit out of you in a warehouse and then asked to join your base, after I came back I joined Fedora Tippers, the best gang ever. You know, without you I wouldn't have registered here and never gotten moderator. Thanks alot dude, you are the best, anyways we should play league when you are done watching your "stuff" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Minion jokes aren't allowed on this thread