Hi, I'm Jinx, and welcome to my
Beginners Guide. I am no expert I am just here to help.
First of all you will want to read the rules, they are important and you must follow or you will be punished (I'll talk about that later)
Beginners Guide.
Ok so, you might be new to zarp. Zarp is a gaming community for gamers like yourself. We do not tolerate disrespect in any way. (Disrespect to others, Bad name, etc)
Once you have read the rules, you should be able to spot out a rulebreaker. If so then report to any online staff member and they will be deal with. DO NOT Disrespect the player at any time.
If anyone is mic spamming you can mute them for yourself in the menu once you press F1
also be sure to tell a staff member if they are.
You might now already know the XP system (Experience) XP is what you need to level up
E.G: 500 XP = Beginner 1000 XP = Good [Not Real Ranks]
You can also access a Zarp Items Shop by typing "!shop" or by pressing "F4" There you can access yor own stuff with points you earn by winning/playing on the server
As I said, I will talk about the punishments. Punishments will be used when a playe isnt doing the right thing. Lets say a player was disrespecting a player/staff member. You would use the command !gag/!mute and then use !warn for disrespect.
Here are a list of the ulx commands I know.
!slay !warn !kick !ban !goto !bring !teleport !respawn and so on.
Normal players cannot use these features because they havn't earned them. you can become Mod/Admin by applying on the forums. Make sure you have at least
15 hours playtime and play 4 hours a week as mod/admin
If you do end up applying, make sure you have your own "Game tracker" login. This is to show admins that you HAVE played the right time to apply and also for you to see your time played.
Thats all i'm gonna say for now. If you have any
Zarp related dont hesitate to ask and I will
Answer. Thanks and hope I helped!