Hello fellow Zarp users and staff members, today its the love of our lifes Bday! CONGRATS EMP... I want every single one of you to congratulate Emp, for his hard work, and dedication towards the servers that we are playing on and enjoying every single day! I went out and bought some presents for Emp... Wich is a free copy of Windows 10! and a Alienware pc that he can choose himself! CONGRATS EMP!
#PleaseDontBanMe #Keith4BhopOwner #Keith4Cm #StopVapingRed #DeezNutz #WhereDidThoosePostsGoZart? #KeithGreatGuy #Keit #EmotionalMensPride
the pc is on Chute
BTW Emp turns 19 today!!!! GREAAAAAT AGE IF YOU ASK ME