J.Lennon Signed Walrus wrote:
xXmasterXx wrote:
J.Lennon Signed Walrus wrote:
You can contact staff via teamspeak (ts.zarpgaming.com) or talk to them via Steam.
why not here if he mabye has not teamspeak or no staff members on steam ?
You're so pessimistic and thinking in the bloody wrong direction.
If he doesn't have teamspeak, he can download it.
If he doesn't have any staff members as his friend on steam, he can add them via the staff list; I highly doubt that he doesn't have any staff members considering that I've known Evilstewie for quite some time now (DarkRP history that is)
I have contacted via ts3 and all staff on my steam friends.
Its 52 players to 1 admin
But if u mind me asking via forums as we are desperate for staff as there is a lot of rdm, this can be locked