as seen by the title, i'm resigning, who know's if i'll return! i've started to grow tired of the process and no longer will be enjoying it as much compared to other game modes such as ssrp. On top of this, more and more disagreements leads me to stepping away before things get out of hand, despite this, I'd like to thank the users that made it fun and the staff team for being there-
- Robbie- though you may have already left, you were the first friends I made on TTT and one of the best
- Roel- if it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be here in the first place, my favourite minge
- Wallcop- ive probably laughed the most with you, even if you do use a voicechanger
- Scorpion- you're so strange, tankboy [lel you can't even reply bc forum ban ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]
- Stratiic- another one of the first friends I made, thanks for everything you did for me
- Preditorv- topkek (ノ・ω・)ノ
- Visionz- you suck at cs, just saying
- Fiyah- my favourite flareon and new cs buddy
- Tom- [the ghost in my closet] Trained me both times, little did you know i'd become the report thief I am today
- The lead team- thank you for everything basically c:
- And the rest- you have made everything so fun!
Queen Kitty stepping down from the throne