I am giving my complete sincerity in this post, this is an appology too all the community members i have disrespected in the past two weeks, Some people try to annoy me but other people didn't deserve the words i spoke to them. I have had week with the passing of a family member but that doesn't give me any right to effect other people. But i do feel some people i have disrespected me and for it to get me in trouble.
I would also like to appoligise for some of the staff of have abused threatened and other things. I know i should not be saying it but my temper has been on the edge very much lately.
But if i could make one request for people to not call me a faggot or a squeaker or just anything i have gotten angry at you for in the past. Everyone has been a squeaker once in there life and im almost at the end of that phase and i am no 12345678 or 9 10 11 or 12 i'm thirteen so please don't call me three or anything like that i hate it.
I hope everyone I've disrespected can accept my apology and I'm also hoping that i may keeps this promise to not be so rude if people could stop with the little kid jokes i really dont appreciate it.
Sorry to everyone i hope this decision can prove to some staff i'm not as immature or as rude as they think i am.
Im Sincerely sorry to everyone i have disrespect i can only hope you will all forgive me for my actions thank you for reading this if you would like to becone friends jsut PM me in gamer