Well hello there, seems you clicked on my post, im as you know me, Dallas. But to the other important people in my life im known as Samuel Goodman, im 15 years old, i can code, and i enjoy video games.
Im a average student who lives in the county of kent, in Britain. I grew up in Essex, before moving to the country. And now i grew up here. I love tea, people, and payday.
The origins of Dallas:
I joined this server under the name The Rubber Ducky, from then i met a lovely fellow named "Cactus Jack" He isnt active anymore but at the time, he just bought VIP, I also had a lovely fellow called "Jimmy" one of the greatest friends ive ever met, i still talk to him now, hes dutch. Then i proceeded to get a load of my fellow school friends to try out the server, they all fell instantly inlove with it, the only one that ever really stayed was a guy named "Valkerix" he is still my friend now, me and him wanted to do something with a cool gang, so we used payday characters, at the time a milkor was some mythical item

. And then it comes to the present day, i applied for staff then boom, i became a respected member of the community.
Well thats it folks, ive told you my zarp story, and my life.
Have a good day/night: