Hey ZARP ! It's been quiet a time I wanted to make a topic to introduce myself after being kinda active on the forums, but I missed my 100th post, 150th and 200th so I made it a bit late.
Anyway, here it is !
As there was, is and will have a lots of misunderstanding, I'll start with this :
I am a DUDE
Who am I then ? Why this name ?
I'm a french 17years old dude, called Théo. Lemme explain my (in-game) name to you :
When I was 13, I had to find a name for gamz. It became RunIded. My friends tending to call me "Runi" or "Tonton Runi" (which means Uncle Runi) I decided to play with that name and other words. One day came to my mind a french singer's name : Carla Bruni. I thought it was funny that Carla Runi sounded a lot like Carla Bruni and renamed myself like that. So yeah, sorry but I'm no trans or anything, and I'm not trying to get attention by faking my name into a girl one.
Then, the "Super" and "Party" part is pretty non-sense :
It was new year's eve (2014 to 2015) and I wanted to rename myself for that event. I wanted something that recalled having fun, and still wanted to play with words. I thought about "Super Mario Party" and just replaced the "Mario" with "Carla Runi", there you go
Okay, now I talked too much about my name. Back to me life !
I've been a gamer since I'm 5-6years old or something like that, starting with Gamecube's games and French MMORPG
"Dofus". I'm on steam for like, 3 or 4years now, I've played a lot of CS:S back in the day, mostly surf and zombie deathrun (or whatever it's called) and started playing Gmod a year ago casually.
I now play on Gmod like, seriously for 1-2month and I've been Zarp for a month, almost. So yeah, Zarp is like my first Gmod experience
And I'm now a really proud Staff Member of Deathrun servers, to serve my god, Zarp !
About my personal life, out of gaming :Basically, my 2k14-2k15 year isn't really lots of fun. I used to study in science, maths and stuff but due to a mental depression, I had to stop. I'm a big musician and I love music. I couldn't really tell you what genre I like to listen to, unless rap and pop I mostly like everything. By the way, I play the electric guitar, the guitar bass, violin, classical guitar, and I also sing a bit. I'm actually bassist and vocalist in my super band called Mosfet ! <3 <3 <3
Okay well, I think that's all I had to say about me. I might not be the most interesting person in the world but I felt like introducing me, hope I didn't write too much
Thanks for reading !
Special thanks to the guys I luuuv : Kingofsaiyans, kosTek, Postal Duke, cloud, Wheatley, my comrade Scorpion, ItZzBlaze, Ben and Yourself (even tho we don't know each other much your voice is kewl so had to mention you lel) ! Much luv guys <3