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[DEATHRUN] SDKIRBY42 APPLICATION 9 years 9 months ago #138998

Steam Name:[/Sdkirby42]

Link to Steam Profile:[/http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198134011487/]

Current Gametracker Profiles:[/1:02:26]
Server 1 - www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Server 2 - www.gametracker.com/server_info/



Languages I speak:[/English,French]

b]What is Ghosting? and give an example:[/Ghosting is when you are dead and give the answers to the players Example A Black and White portal the death presses the white button then the the ghost tells the runners.]

How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:[ I would first give the a verbal warning then i would gag them if they still continue i would tell an admin to ban them]

Why I should be chosen:[/ I can stay up for along time im good and i also have great ways of dealing with mic spammers also im a good negotiator against people that are mean to other people, I know alot of console commands and im very good at computers my regular time to come would be 1am - 7am or 12am - 9pm with my friends.
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Last Edit: 9 years 9 months ago by Sdkirby42.
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[DEATHRUN] SDKIRBY42 APPLICATION 9 years 9 months ago #139039

Application is rushed.

No gametrackers.

''How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:[ I would first give the a verbal warning then i would gag them if they still continue i would tell an admin to ban them]''


You didn't mention mute/kick/warn commands.

You would gag a guy for disrespect and no warn?

When you gag/mute someone for disrespect, you warn them too. Which you didn't even mention.

Would you call an Admin that fast without using kick/warn/mute for disrespect?

I don't think an Admin would ban a guy for disrespect without any warning/kick/mute.

''I can stay up for along time''

You spelled it wrong, buddy. Pretty sure you mean ''A long time''

I don't know if you have any recent warnings.

And don't really know much about you because i'm not on much anymore.

Verdict: Well, i don't really know you but your application got some negatives. And i don't know how Active you are and how much gametime you got because of no gametrackers. But i will go for -Support. I will go for +Support if you fix the negatives and make them to positives.

Good luck with your application! :)
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[DEATHRUN] SDKIRBY42 APPLICATION 9 years 9 months ago #139055

After three hours of talking with Dezmond you finally made your application B)
You have my support bro even tho you tend to afk too much and that's fucking annoying :pinch: I dunno if you'd be a good mod but you're a nice guy and always followed the rules (unless when you afk :whistle: ) so I guess you wouldn't be that bad.
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Last Edit: 9 years 9 months ago by Doode.
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[DEATHRUN] SDKIRBY42 APPLICATION 9 years 9 months ago #139071

Application is rushed.
-Fix the BBCode errors.
-Wrong section, should be under "Server Applications".

Gametracker website is down for me at the moment.

Fix up the following:
What is Ghosting? and give an example

Expand the following:
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?
//Everso told you most of that. Take that into consideration.

You have my support bro even tho you tend to afk too much and that's fucking annoying
I dunno if you'd be a good mod but you're a nice guy
This is how we get abusive moderators in the first place. I don't care what personality the applicant has as long as he's a moderator that does his job and doesn't disrespect.

I don't know how many warnings you have.

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[DEATHRUN] SDKIRBY42 APPLICATION 9 years 9 months ago #139087

Something Walrus wrote:
You have my support bro even tho you tend to afk too much and that's fucking annoying

I don't know if it was on purpose so he could get points, he said that he had to do things and didn't have time to log off everytime... I don't really believe that and anyway he should watch out because even tho it wasn't on purpose it's still annoying and when there's no mods there's no way to kick him :dry:
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