Donation not working
9 years 10 months ago #125510
Helly @SypexBiceps I were the one handling your F1 request 30-60 minutes ago and what i tried explaining to you is that you have to follow these steps as i clearly can see you have bougth vip on the forums.
1. Go to this link
2. Scroll down to where it says "Your Vip Status"
3. Press Link your steam account it would then re-direct you to a steam - log in page which you there have to fill in the username and password for the steam account you want Zarp VIP on.
4. It should look like this.
Relog after 1-5 mins
If you have done all steps, and its saying sucess, comment here and i will try get a Lead Team staff member to reset the steam account for you.
EX- DarkRP Admin - TTT Moderator - Teamspeak Staff
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Donation not working
9 years 10 months ago #125528
Hi Sypex Biceps,
We have looked into this issue for you. Your ZARP VIP is working and your account has been activated and linked to this steam account: Also make sure you rejoin the server after purchasing for the upgrade to start working. Thanks for supporting ZARP!