It has been a good run guys. I have been an admin for
4 and a half months now...
And I would just like to say thank you all for the amazing times on the server.
And now, some thank you's:
Chute: Thank you for buying this community and coding for it, and making it what it is today.
DCX: Don't really see you on that much, but thank you for supporting the community by being an owner.
EMP: Even though you don't respond to 99% of my steam messages, you are a great guy. Thank you for coding for this community, and I look forward to seeing what has happened once I return.
Xantium: You warned me for talking about a raid that I just died in at spawn. I still think that is BS.
Chris: You were and are a great guy. *Ahem Angelus Ahem*
RedPowder: The Community Manager... Thank you for all the great banter that you provide wherever you go.
Mogadonwhocares: Only played with you once... You were a great guy, until... The incident.
Tigz: Can't believe you moved up 3 ranks in 3 (or 4) weeks, but whatever. You deserved it.
Soxey: Thank you for all the banter that you provided while I was here. I also enjoyed the puns... You know what I mean.
Hahzy: Never really see you on, but overall you are a good guy.
Preditorv: You are like a ghost. I don't know how in the world you are still SA since I NEVER see you on. Anyways you are a good guy whenever I saw you on.
Gmod Troller: Thank you for being a great friend all the way through my journey here.
Glacial: You were an early friend as well. Thank you.
Hadouken (Green): You were another good friend. Sad that you had to threaten the community though.
No One: Met you a while back. You are a great guy, and I hope you beat Brusk in Badge Whoring before becoming RedPowder with that one mingy star.
Brusk: The man with every badge but CM and Owner. Thank you for diddling me during the old days. I will never forget you.
0ctocat: The longest SSRP mod. You are a mingy cat, but you are a good cat. Keep doing what you are doing.
Nexize: Awesome guy on the forums, borderline hentai signatures, was an awesome SuperAdmin. 10/10.
Walrus: Who can forget you on these kinds of posts. You are the forum god. You have the best pictures, gifs, and videos for any situation that presents itself on these forums. I applaud you good sir.
Morgan: Who dafuq are you boi
If I forgot your name, go ahead and reply to this thread, and I'll try to get your name in there if I have anything to say.
The story of why I am having to resign:
So since the last month, I have basically become addicted to the game. I cannot keep myself off of it. And because of this, my grades are plummeting. My parents are SUPER pissed about this, and they have been threatening me with taking away my desktop and not letting me play.
Today was the final straw.
My desktop was taken away today, and I got to loophole my way around, by putting Gmod on my laptop to play for a couple hours. Now they are saying NO GAMES until June. Those couple last hours were fun, but not as fun as I'd have liked them to be before leaving for a good 2 months.
I'll try and still be active on the forums, keeping track of all the banter, but I will most likely not be online on Steam until June.
Once June rolls around again, I'll try and see what I can do to become an Administrator of my favorite server again.
Thank you for all the memories.