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Hi, Zarp
As you can see in the title i have to tell everyone of Zarp something. I've been here for some time and i changed my name already as i was known as (TheMusicCat). I just wanted to tell everyone why i made this change as i also am getting pissed of because people were calling me TheMusicCat when i said please just call me Thrall. And i have some other stuff to talk about but first i will tell you the reason of my change. When i came back i was a bit different then what i was before. This is one reason why i changed, and i normally was TheMusicCat. TheMusicCat only represents me loving Cats and the music i like. I kinda got bored of it and i changed it to Thrall | WoW Lore King |. Thrall represents a character in WoW which actually inspires me IRL. If you wanna know how it is because of his personality, he is a man that has suffered but got out of it and moved on. He is calm but when disrespected he comes up for himself. He has a history of being a Leader {Warchief Horde} and a Defender {Joining the Dragon Aspects}. His character is also very calm when he is himself. This kinda represents me and my personality at this day. I am calm when i can be myself, i get angry if someone takes the piss out of me and have a history of pushing through with hard moments. Now here is the part where i will need to apologize. To everyone when i was on last sunday before monday easter. I got pretty mad and i ragequit after it. And i have to say it was pretty bad from me. Here is also a secret that i never told any of you. I have 2 things that got me this far. If anyone does not know i have ADHD and i have a pretty bad version of it which makes my sleeping worse, my concetration very bad and my life pretty hard, but this is something no-one knows. I have a stress disorder, i have to take pills everyday to make me not as stressed as i would be if i do not take them i could get very angry very fast. I am that stressed then also that i just shake with my whole body. And i forgot to take them that exact day. So i mainly wanna apologize at BuzzM4H Sorry, Buzz for the rage i had against you that night. I did not mean it but i just forgot to take my pills. I Hope you can forgive me for it and for everyone on that night. I hope this explains something. Best Regards, Thrall | WoW Lore King | If you wanna see my favorite cinematic of Thrall here ya go! Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ][ Click to hide ] |
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Thank fucking god, i seriously thaught you stopped playing Gmod because of me xD
and you didnt make on the forums you wanted to permban me xD so its alright you know, i had those people more then enough in my life so i know how hard it is for you , apologies accepted and i hope you come on TTT today or tommorow. Nice to have you back (after 5 days xD) |
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BuzzM4H wrote:
Thank fucking god, i seriously thaught you stopped playing Gmod because of me xD If you haven't seen my post i fell the night after on my laptop with my shoulder and its broke. Currently being worked on to fix my laptop as fast as possible. But yes i will come back but not today or tommorow probaly in about a week maybe 2 weeks ;-; and you didnt make on the forums you wanted to permban me xD so its alright you know, i had those people more then enough in my life so i know how hard it is for you , apologies accepted and i hope you come on TTT today or tommorow. Nice to have you back (after 5 days xD) |
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