Hey guys, there's something that's been bothering me for a while now that I really need to get off my chest.
Recently at school my "friends" have started giving me nicknames. These nicknames range from "fat" to "diabetic" and all the way to "autistic" because I have
mild dyspraxia and have to use a laptop in school.
Now, before you start feeling sorry for me, I have to let you know, I deserve this treatment. I am one of the most vile, toxic people I know. I used to make the worst jokes imaginable to try and fit in and make friends. I guess that it was the fear of being on of those kids that everyone loves to hate, but it doesn't exclude anything. I even used to bully somebody to try and fit in (but, to what little extent is helps my case, never to the extent of my peers,) I truly am (as my History teacher once stated half drunk on the Berlin underground,) "The pits."
And one of the things I hate most is that I've been coming home, hopping on my computer and taking out all of my anger on some of the people at ZARP. I've lost many friends this way. I can't interact with anyone because I fear that I'll be laughed at, so I either make others the target of ridicule or make people laugh at me so I can feel slightly more comfortable about it.
I'm sorry. I really am. I'm sorry you had to put up with me for all this time. I'm sorry Tigz, for what I said to you, I'm sorry Pred, I really didn't mean anything. And most of all, I'm sorry to the lead team. I know that you all don't particularly like me, and I can understand why. Heck, I wouldn't like me if I knew me. This must be the umpteenth time I've made a post like this, but this time everything's amalgamated to an intolerable level and I mean it. I will change, it won't be easy, but I believe that I can.
Like a (silent) phoenix, The Bite shall rise from the ashes.